Lev Taussig

Lev Taussig (born 1880 – ?) was a Czech chess master.

He took 2nd, behind Oldřich Důras, at Prague 1905 (the 1st UJCS Kongress, Czech Chess Championship),[1] tied for 6-8th at Nuremberg 1906 (the 15th DSB Congress, Kongreß des Deutschen Schachbundes, Hauptturnier A, won by Savielly Tartakower), won at Prague 1906, took 5th at Brno 1907 (the 2nd CZE-ch, František Treybal won), took 2nd behind Duras at Prague 1907,[2] and took 4th in the Prague 1908 chess tournament (the Main Tournament, Karel Treybal won).[3]


  1. ^ http://www.chess.cz/www/souteze/mcr-muzi/_2007/historie.html
  2. ^ http://www.anders.thulin.name/SUBJECTS/CHESS/CTCIndex.pdf Name Index to Jeremy Gaige's Chess Tournament Crosstables, An Electronic Edition, Anders Thulin, Malmö, 2004-09-01
  3. ^ http://www.praguechess.cz/en/index.php?orderby=1573